John Hay Elementary

John Hay

Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning at John Hay

We have Jaguar PRIDE!

We are:

  • Patient
  • Respectful
  • Inclusive
  • Determined
  • Engaged

Positive Behavior Intervention Supports

We believe that students must feel safe in order for John Hay to be an effective learning environment. In addition, to our rules and expectations, we have taken the following steps to reduce bullying behavior and ensure that all students feel safe and welcome at all times:

  • Adopted school-wide anti-bullying behavior rules, based on the internationally-acclaimed Olweus framework
  • Developed a system to recognize and encourage positive behavior

Kinder Buddies

As a part of our mission to provide personal success for every child and to build a strong sense of community, each of our kindergarten students has a special 4th or 5th grade buddy. Our kinderbuddy program, a highlight for our younger and older students, is designed to help our newest students transition more smoothly to school, as well as provide a leadership opportunity for our older students.

Reading Buddies, in conjunction with teacher planning and preparation, meet together several times a year to read, take field trips, share a Teddy Bear Picnic, or spend time together talking and sharing. Each partnering Kindergarten and intermediate classroom teacher work together to plan and implement their own Reading Buddies activities beginning with students spending 4 days having lunch together during the first week of school. This unique program is just one example of how John Hay comes together to be a welcoming and caring community.

Student Leadership Opportunities

As part of our commitment to personal success and public stewardship, John Hay offers multiple opportunities for individuals to participate in leadership and assistance roles throughout the building.

Student Council – Each classroom in grades 1 through 5 select two representatives to sit on the John Hay Student Council. Meetings take place once per month during lunch. Teachers may select students using any system they choose. Older reps report to the K/1 classrooms following each meeting.


RULER is Seattle Public School’s tool for teaching and practicing management of emotions and behavior.  You might hear children refer to the anchor tools that are used in their classroom, including the Mood Meter and taking a Meta-Moment.  Follow the link below for more information about this important tool in supporting student’s social-emotional regulation. For more information, visit the RULER page.