John Hay Elementary

John Hay

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Morrisroe, Molly

Focus Teacher
photo of Hoan

Pham, Hoan

Gini Powers

Powers, Gini

4th/5th Grade Teacher

I love teaching 4th/5th grade! Teaching the oldest kids in the school is the best! Going to overnight camp and teaching FLASH is my favorite thing about 5th grade!

EDUCATION: I have a Masters in Human Development, and a BA in English literature. Go Dawgs!

PERSONAL: I am mother of three kids. I love to travel, spend time with friends and family and I'm obsessed with gardening when my back is not hurting!

TEACHING: I would consider myself as a warm demander. I have high expectations for my students and they reach them!

Welcome to 4th/5th grade in the Perfect Pink Paradise!

Redding, Tenecia

Behavioral Support Specialist

Rocchi, Leyla

Multilingual Teacher

Rosenthal, Stephanie

Interventional Assistant - Special Education
Michelle Rudell

Rudell, Michelle

Teacher- Reading Interventionist

Over the past 25 years, I have had the amazing opportunity to work as a Classroom Teacher and Reading Specialist with wonderful families, students, and colleagues in Bellevue, Shoreline, and Seattle.  When I am not at school, I enjoy reading, running, traveling, and spending time with my two sons.

I am so lucky and honored to be part of the John Hay community.  As a Reading Specialist, I am passionate about helping students master the foundations of reading in order to become confident readers.

Ruediger, Mersina

Elementary School Assistant

Sandoval, Elizabeth

Preschool Teacher
Holly Sassi

Sassi, Holly

3rd Grade Teacher

Hello John Hay! I am so excited to be teaching third grade this year! It’s a wonderful time when students can feel adventurous about learning, try out social skills, take on new and exciting academic challenges, learn responsibility, and have FUN!

I have been an educator since 2019 and have worked with students ranging from kindergarten to sixth grade. This is my first year teaching third grade and my first year at John Hay. I’m passionate about teaching the whole child and I have high expectations for all of my students because I know they can meet them!

I’m originally from Canada and moved to Seattle in 2012. I love the Pacific Northwest! When I’m not at school I love to spend time with my husband, two kids, and two cats. I love to run, mountain bike, hike, and travel.

Seamster, Kayla

Kindergarten Teacher
Allison Shannon

Shannon, Allison

4th/5th Grade Teacher

In the 20 plus years I have been a teacher in Seattle, I have taught many grade levels at a couple different schools. I have been at Hay since 2004 and I am teaching one of my favorite grades, fourth grade. I have a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction and a BA in Sociology-anthropology. I hold high expectations for all of my students and love to sing with my class as often as possible.


Skjordahl, Ashley

Occupational Therapy, 3rd-5th

Steele, Debbie

Lunch/Recess Supervision

Hello Hay!

I grew up in Port Orchard, WA and have lived in the PNW my whole life. I enjoy spending time with friends and family, laughing and eating good food. I have two kids at Hay. Sonny who is in 5th grade, and Louella who is in 3rd grade.

I’m very excited to be part of the John Hay family!

Ben Steitzer

Steitzer, Benjamin

Instructional Assistant - Special Education
Jenna Warburton

Warburton, Jenna

Music Teacher

Williams, Anthony

Extended Resource Teacher, Grades K-2


Go Mariners!!!

Lisa Williamson

Williamson, Lisa

2nd Grade Teacher

Wilme, Lindsay

Preschool Teacher

Silvia Zarate Vidal

Zarate Vidal, Silvia

Lunchroom Manager